How To Organize a Neighborhood Cleanup

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Spring is a time when plants begin to flower and bloom once again. However, there is an ugly side to this time of year. When the snow melts, it reveals all the garbage that has accumulated over the winter. This is bad for the environment and also just unsightly. When you organize a neighborhood cleanup, it makes it easier and more fun for everyone to do their part to help keep the area safe and clean. As with most big challenges, a step-by-step approach can make it less daunting.

1. Choose a Site

While you may want to cover your entire community, focusing on a specific area helps you do a more thorough job. Try to find the area most in need of help.

2. Decide What To Do With Waste

To prevent the waste from going right back into the environment, you should arrange to have dumpsters for cleanups Cincinnati available so that everyone can dispose of the garbage immediately.

3. Gather the Necessary Materials

Garbage bags are essential to any cleanup but not the only necessities. To keep everyone safe, volunteers should be equipped with heavy-duty gloves. You can ask your volunteers to supply their own, but you should also have a few extra pairs in case people don’t have any or forget to bring them. Everyone should wear old clothes that they don’t mind getting dirty, and if you can supply some mechanical grabbers so that people do not have to touch the garbage or bend over as much, that could be helpful too.

4. Recruit Volunteers

Your recruitment effort should start with people you are close to, e.g., friends, family members, neighbors, co-workers, etc. You may want to go a step farther and advertise your cleanup. An inexpensive way to do this is to print flyers and post them in local businesses and around the neighborhood.

If you have some money to spend and want to recruit volunteers from beyond your neighborhood, you can also run radio or television ads.